Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Absentee Blogger

I'm not really sure what the best excuse is, but I've been pretty busy lately and have not kept up with the blog. Easter, with choir rehearsals and dinner preparations, etc. would be one. Another has been taking care of Mr. Hop-a-long after his knee surgery. And then spending the last few days at the beach. I'm sure I could think of others, but, really, no one will care.
We have had some nice local meals lately and I will write about them. But, today we are off to sunny southern California to see both of our kids. So, I will have to do a big catch up sometime middle of next week after we return on April 1. So, I guess I won't have a report this time around for the Dark Days Challenge Update. It's not due to lack of local eating effort, but lack of blogging time.
Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to a little warmer weather in LA and San Diego - not to mention seeing Kris and welcoming Aileen back from Antarctica.

1 comment:

ckw said...

oh my goodness!- wish i was with y'all-it is SNOWING here1
this is no freakin' spring break!
lala sunnysandiego--why did i move?!
hope you have a safe trip back-